domingo, 19 de mayo de 2013



The goat is a very important small ruminant mammal  which can help on the fast economic growth of our society. From this animal we can get meat, milk, skin, hair, manure and labor. They are very prolific animals and good for all seasons.

 The goat meat is a healthy economic activity and  it  can be the production model in marginal areas.
      Any animal walking and eating grass (extensive systems) produce less      intramuscular fat  and its meat is healthier.

 Leveraging extensive systems in feeding the goats not only produce leaner meats, but also reduces power costs over other meat alternatives.

 The very good range of growth allowed females to be between 35 and 40 kg in only six months, reaching males weigh up to 135 kg.

All this depending  on races and genotypic characteristics.

How can we distinguish races and physical characteristics?
- Body color and especially of the face, ears and legs.
- Size and angle of the ears.
- Coat.
- Presence of horns.


Major products are available in most goat production systems are:

-Cabrito: The offspring obtained between males and females are sold at an age from 8 to 40 days.
-Goat-priming: The breeding and fattening barrows and gilts are not aimed at replacement of the wombs.

-Rearing foot: Herds that have high genetic quality are based
Mainly in the records of the parent.

Goat pens have a purpose of enclosing or save the animals at night, when required to perform any management activity, protect them from inclement weather and predator attacks or for some other reason decide by the goat farming.


Take into account some aspects measures in the sheepfold:
Guideline of the sheepfold or corrals: The farmyard or sheepfold must be oriented by tropic and prevailing of wind and the direction of the sun.
Ventilation of enclosures: The ventilation has several functions: remove excess moisture during the wet season, remove excess heat, removing harmful gases from the fermentation of droppings and so to renew the air inside the corrals.
Internal Division sheepfold: A Sheepfold in general, must possess a minimum of divisions: barnyard for adult females, adult male’s pens for, hatchlings; hospital pen; sleeves or small pen of work, barnyard or milking area.